in the beginning

It wasn't that many years ago that had you asked me about being green, I would have thought you had mistaken me for Kermit the Frog. The environment? Sure I enjoy being outdoors and I don't throw my trash on the ground. Recycling? Good for you, but I don't have the time for it. Global warming? yeah right, gimme a break! Sustainable living? uhhhhh, what's that?

Yeah, there I was a conservative, right-wing, fundamentalist Baptist convinced that anything relating to the environment was part of the liberal agenda to take away my rights (at least that's what Rush Limbaugh was telling me).

No doubt you are asking yourself, "What happened?!"

Well, I guess you could say I woke up (slowly), opened my eyes and began thinking for myself.

I realized that even though God said man was put here to rule the earth, he didn't say or even imply DESTROY the earth. Stewardship doesn't end with time and money. It also applies to resources, both natural and unnatural.

Last year I put into motion a Green Initiative here at WVPE 88.1 Public Radio. It started as one of those "light bulb" ideas. (florescent of course!) This blog will journal my journey and what I am learning. Please join me!

Monday, October 13, 2008

My daughter Juliet took a trip to Stratford Canada recently with her school. She noticed these recycling bins everywhere. Why is it that so many other countries are doing these kinds of things and here in the States we seem to think that recycling is something just for the "environmentalist wackos"? For being so "advanced" we sure are "behind"!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Greenwashing... what is it?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greenwash (a
portmanteau of green and whitewash) is a term used to describe the perception of consumers that they are being misled by a company regarding the environmental practices of the company or the environmental benefits of a product or service.[1] The term Green sheen has similarly been used to describe organizations which attempt to appear that they are adopting practices beneficial to the environment.[2]

I agree with that definition.

Curious if the company's claims are actually true? Check out these websites for more information on Greenwashing.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Something to crow about...

Chickens in the city limits?! Yes, it's true.

"Welcome to Mad City Chickens In the Spring of 2004, Madison, WI passed a law allowing single-family homes the right to raise poultry in the back yard. Previous to this law, poultry was allowed inside the home, but not outside. Coops were not permitted, nor was raising poultry inside the garage. Today it is legal to have 4 hens (no roosters) in a coop, no closer than 25' from the nearest neighbors living quarters. Butchering within the city limits is still not allowed."

Now you know you want to read the rest of the story....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What to do with your STUFF

Have stuff you want to get rid of but just aren't sure where to dispose of it? Here are two websites that will really help you dejunk without filling up the landfill. Give away goods to others. Everything listed on Throwplace is FREE. Network to promote waste reduction and help save landscape from being taken over by landfills.

Know of more sites like these? Tell me about them.

Monday, August 18, 2008


The Story of Stuff is a great little video story to watch. It makes you think about what is all this stuff? Where did it come from? Where does it go? Why do we have so much STUFF??!!

It is definitely worth spending about 20 minutes to watch. Let me know what you think.

Monday, July 14, 2008


The South Bend Tribune just featured an Assocated Press Article about a a New Hampshire community called Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm which is a cohousing community. The concept was new to me, but I'm finding it very interesting!

Check out these sites for more information.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sassier Shade of Green

I love this site! Subscribe to the daily tip and be prepared for useful, down-to-earth information and links. I learn something everyday. I especially like the little tidbits of trivia on the left hand side of the daily e-mail. This is one of those daily e-mails that I have a hard time deleting because it has so much useful information that I'm just sure I will want to access again.